In memory of our beloved Marvin Knopp who died on December 24, 2011

Many people who loved Marvin were not able to attend his funeral because of the suddenness of his death. For those of you who would like to view the service for my father please click on this YouTube link.

Please note that this link consists of four sequential videos totaling 71 minutes in length.

Contributions in his memory may be made to Camphill Soltane, 224 Nantmeal Road, Glenmoore, Pennsylvania 193434, or to Meir Panim.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Alan R. Kay

To whom it may concern:

I knew Marvin Knopp very well through the Yellow Barn School and
Festival, of which his son, Seth Knopp, is Artistic Director. I have
participated as a faculty member of Yellow Barn for ten years and also
currently serve as a Board Member. It is no exaggeration to say that,
of the many things I look forward to at Yellow Barn, seeing and
chatting with Marvin has been one of the most cherished. A true lover
and appreciator of music, it was a pleasure to sit and talk with him,
not only about Yellow Barn's many chamber music offerings, but about
the great jazz masters, an area with which he was very well
acquainted. I was very touched to receive, after one of our summer
chats, a surprise gift of a ten-CD set of Louis Armstrong's music,
which I now value as one of my prize musical possessions.

I will miss Marvin very much and send my sincerest condolences to his
family. For me, Yellow Barn will not be the same without his warm


Alan R. Kay